Real World Application of Condition Monitoring through Thermal Cameras

Take a deep dive into the incredible capabilities and real-world applications of condition monitoring using thermal cameras and MATLAB

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Effective condition monitoring is essential for ensuring the dependable performance and optimal efficiency of industrial processes and equipment. Thermal cameras have recently emerged as a formidable solution for condition monitoring, enabling the identification of anomalies and potential failures through temperature pattern analysis. This webinar, hosted by Enzo du Plessis from Opti-Num Solutions, aims to take a deep dive into the incredible capabilities and real-world applications of condition monitoring using thermal cameras and MATLAB, and highlighting practical implementation strategies! MATLAB, a renowned software platform, offers an extensive environment for processing and interpreting thermal imaging data.

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About the Presenter
About the Presenters

Enzo du Plessis is an engineer at Opti-Num Solutions. With a background in Physics and Mechanical Engineering from the University of the Free State and Wits University, he is passionate about the integration of AI and engineering to solve a wide range of engineering problems. Some of his interests include: Smart traffic, autonomous vehicles and robotics engineering.

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